Sunday, July 18, 2010

An Open Letter To That Guy and The Guy

To That Guy;
We got together, great. We had fun. Even better. But, please...I am older, wiser and I told you not to play games with me. So, don't tell me your going to call when you and i know better. Its hard to know that you used me when I thought, for some dumb reason, that the history and the time that we shared when we were younger would not have warranted what happened and the way you have treated me. Why, do you say I am writing this? To close the door on you. See, unknowingly, you got a piece of my heart back then. You had it then, you have it now, and you will have it in the future. But, that piece of my heart needs to be closed, needs to be locked away and needs to just remember you in our good times. Those drives that we had will be the times i remember the most. The comfort and the friendship that i felt inside your car is what i want to remember, not the way you treated me by seeing me then shutting me out. See, I am a wonderful, beautiful, curvaceous, smart, sassy woman. Alibi, i tend to over think things, open my mouth before I think and i tend to want to lead than follow. But that's me because i have had to be in charge of my life for the past 17 years. But, I want a man who will love me, who will cherish me, who honor me, who will love my son and love God above all. And you, at this point are not it. My heart last week thought that i should leave your door open. Give you time to heal. But, my head this week says that the door is going to close, it will be locked and hopefully over time will shrink so that one day i can walk by that door and not notice it. I do hope that you will at one point be able to open yourself again to someone because as I have said before I don't think God would ever want you to not love again. I don't know how to end this because in some ways I don't want to close this chapter. But , maybe you and I will meet in another chapter of our lives.
Love Shannon

To THE Guy;
You are out there and I hope to meet you soon. All I ask of you is to love me, honor me, cherish me, love my son, and love God above all. And everything will fall in line. I won't ask you to change and I hope you won't ask me to change. I hope one day we will have a fight, but, we will work it out. We will never go to bed angry and when we wake up the next day our eyes and our smiles will say it all. I love you and I will work everyday, every minute to be your wife. We will grow old together and see our grandchildren come into this world. I will love you to the day I die and I will love you even more when I greet you in heaven. You are out there, and I pray everyday that if it is in God's plan he will send you to me.
All my love, Shannon

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