Friday, July 30, 2010

A Week of Just Being Blahhhhh!!!

Yes, today I can actually say I had a boring and non busy week. And it was all due to a 2 little pills by the name of Metforman. Yes, a month ago today I start taking this lovely pill because I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome for short). No, I am not looking to have anymore children....but, there is still time and if by some miracle of me going nuts and wanting another child after I have raised one I want to be able to have one. PCOS is one step closer to finding out what has been going on with my system. In PCOS I make enough insulin to produce an egg but not enough to pop off the egg and ovulate. So, to the medicine I am now taking. Metforman is supposed to up my insulin and let me ovulate...with a few side effects...such as a horrible nauseousness that even beats morning sickness. Yes ladies, it beats morning sickness. I first started out with 500 mg and the next morning I did not want to move (I take it at dinner). If I moved I felt like I wanted to, pardon my description, puke like no tommorrow. Let's just say, so thankful that I took my first dose on a Friday night because nothing got done that first weekend. I got used to that dose and then was upped to 1000 mg. Hello nauseousness AGAIN! But, this time it just has not gotten better. Every morning I wake up with that no so good feeling in my stomach. It usually died down a little and then shortly before dinner it would start making its presence known. This went on over and over again until this past Tuesday the 27th. Got up to go to work feeling a little worse than in the past few mornings. OKAY, something I can deal with. Grabbed my ginger ale and headed to work. I have a 40 minute drive and all the way there it would just come in wave upon wave upon wave of nauseousness. I pulled into my parking spot opened the door and well.....just use your imagination. Done, thinking I might feel better I walked into my building. Poor bathroom...for the 20 minutes my stall was my home. Finally got a hold of one of my co-workers who insisted on driving me home (thank you), and went home where the next two days my life consisted of sleeping, sleeping..bathroom, sleeping, sleeping, ohh and a low grade fever. Yes..I think this medicine at the 1000mg strength might have done me in for a while. No running the child around, no going to the gym, no work (heck I can't say I missed that), no being busy. This liitle guy (yes that picture) has truly one upped my stomach, my sleep, and my overall mood. Today is a little better and hopefully it will get better day by day. So much for now. Signing off---Shannon

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